We asked one of our artisan liaisons in El Salvador to tell us about their Christmas traditions. The following was sent to us from Tamar Mendez:
Christmas in El Salvador:

Posadas is a tradition that represents the moments before Jesus' birth. A member from each community organizes a celebration with those who want to participate with neighbors, family, and friends. In the posada, we pray, we sing, and there are snacks! The most important part is how we share good energy and share those moments in solidarity with our community.

After the Posadas, some days before Christmas, we complete the tradition with Pastorelas, which starts in the church with a procession that winds through the community. One family prepares their house to receive the procession and the "niño Jesús" (baby Jesus). The people dressed up as Joseph, Mary, Jesus and the three wise men dramatize Jesus' birth. We sing and share snacks or a meal.

We would like to thank all of our customers for helping us support our artisans and their families this year. We hope you have a happy and safe holiday season.